Up Box

Prints in only one colour at a time

(Available colours at Nossal High school are : Black, White, Red, Copper, Silver, Translucent Yellow, translucent Orange )

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UP Box 3D Printer Specifications

Build platform 255 mm width, 205 mm depth, 205 mm height
Smart Support Intelligent Smart Support material, printed in the same material, printed at a lower density and built automatically by the included 3D print software
Selectable layer resolution 0.1 mm (100 micron), 0.15 mm 0.2 mm, 0.25 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.4 mm – That’s a ultra fine HD detail of 100 microns!
Platform Levelling

Fully automatic levelling with integrated levelling probe  - no human interaction required

Platform Height

Fully automatic height sensor – no human interaction required

Average noise 51.7 dB – as quiet as your fridge
Air filtration Inbuilt HEPA filter – removes micro fine particles and 3d printing fumes
Lighting Active heart beat mood lighting, provide visual feedback of the print status
Dimension 485 mm width, 520 mm depth, 495 mm height
Weight 20 kg
Shipping Weight TBA kg
Power input 110-220VAC, 50-60Hz, 220W
Connectivity USB (Print job stored and spooled to Printer, ability to turn off computer during printing.)
Consumables 1.75mm ABS Plastic Filament and PLA which is ideal for lost wax or investment casting
Warranty 12 month return to base
Software STL 3D layout and printing software included free: Windows (XP,Vista,7,8) 32/64 bit and MAC OSX 10.7 Beta
Unboxing time to print 15 minutes



Everything you need is in the box, ready for you to start turning your ideas into real parts. You don’t require any extras. We even give you a free roll of white ABS plastic filament included with your new 3D Printer.



Download an extension for SketchUp from here (SketchUp extension warehouse) that allows the sketchUp designs to be exported as .stl files which can then be opened in the 3D printer's inbuilt software and hence printed.

To install the extension in SketchUp go to

Open a model in SketchUp

To export the SketchhUp files, you now have an option

Give it a name and save

Now open the UP! Software

File > Open

Select the file that you exported from SketchUp

You can zoom in or out. Click on "Fit" to bring everything to default layout as shown below.

If the model comes as pink in colour and you have nor red areas then you are ready to print!




After this step you need to setup your 3D printer for printing. This would be different for different printers. I am discussing only Up BOX 3D printer setup in this tutorial. It is based on the PDF documentation provided with the printer by the company. The full manual explaining the use of UP Box 3D printer can be downloaded here.  I will just touch the main parts that will get you started.

One magic button does it all!

Heart beat says it all!

The display is called "Heart beat" as it kind-of pulsates.

Plug in the wires properly


 The cables can be plugged in only in one way so there is no chance of error here.



 Switch on the power

 There is a magnetic cover on the side of the printer as shown below

 ...take it out and fit in the plastic filament spool as shown below keeping the mind that if you let go of the plastic filament the  it will unwind and you will spend hours getting it back in proper order.

 To avoid it insert the filament in the tube as shown in this photo, while you are putting the spool in the slot.

 push the filament until it comes out of the other end ...

... and then push  the filament further  into the print head ...

 ...as shown in the following figure.


screen shots of following steps are coming soon on this tutorial (pending steps here)

Start the UP software, then click "3D Print". If the "Initialize" option is available, go ahead and click initialize.  If "Initialize" is unavailable, then check that the UP drivers are correctly installed. During initialization the printer finds its home position on each X,Y & Z axis. Initialization is required every time the printer is switched on.

Click "Auto Level", the head will check 9 points around the platform are level, then it will set the platform/nozzle height. Sometimes the nozzle is not cleaned properly and hence the nozzle height is detected wrongly. So to restart the print you will need to recalibrate by clicking "3D print" and then click on "Nozzle height detect". Auto calibration can be done only when nozzle temperature is below 80 degrees. The temperature of a heated nozzle can be brought quickly down by opening the front and the top lids of 3D printer. An important thing that I noticed with my printer is that you can note the nozzle height when you first start the 3D printer, mine was 208.38, and if it is a lot different than that, say 206, then you will know that it will not print properly.

Click "3D Print" and "Maintenance" then  Click "New Spool", select ABS, OK   Click "Extrude" (beep) You'll start to notice the Nozzle temperature starts raising. Once it gets to 260c (beep) you should start to see a thin string come out of the nozzle. Repeat from  extrude if it doesn't. It should be straight and not wiggly. If it is wiggle, first let some plastic run through and after a while it will be ok or stop the process by clicking on the "Stop All " button and then clean the nozzle again properly. If this does not help then you will have to clean the nozzle from inside or replace it with a new one, which is another tutorial.

If you see a thin stream of plastic coming through the nozzle then click on the "Stop all" button. And then "Quit" to close the current maintenance window.

Click "Print" and click "OK"

You will get a message telling you the amount of plastic the job will use in grams and the amount of time that will be taken to finish the job. Hit "OK" and once spooled you can remove the computer and go and do some other work while the printer will print for you.

The outcome was perfect!