This page contains most commonly used Linux commands that will be handy while programming with Raspberry Pi.
Note that the idea is not to teach Linux commands extensively but instead to give users of Raspberry Pi a quick head start. This gives user a springboard for future research.
File management
Command | Description |
ls | Shows the contents of the directory |
ls -a | Shows hidden files |
pwd | present working directory (default is /home/pi) |
cd .. | Go to parent directory |
cd home | Go inside home directory (home directory should be in current location) |
mkdir java | Make a directory called java |
rm test.txt | Remove the file called test.txt |
rm -f test.txt | Force remove the file called test.txt |
rm -r java | Remove directory called java |
chmod 777 java | read(4)-write(2)-execute(1) permission to User(7)Member(7)Others(7) |
cp -r test java | Copies directory called test to a directory called java (created if not present) |
more | Displays the contents of file called |
head | Displays first 10 lines of the contents of a file called |
tail | Displays last 10 lines of the contents of a file called |
cat | Displays the contents of file on screen |
cat > | Copies contents (try cat f1.txt f2.txt | sort > f3.txt) data in sorted order! |
mv ../ | Moves file to parent directory |
System Information
Command | Description |
man chmod | Shows the manual of the command called chmod |
df | Shows disk usage |
whoami | Shows Login ID |
date | Shows current date |
cal | Shows current month's calendar |
mv java jre | Rename the directory called java as jre |
ping | pings the host names pi and outputs the info (use CTRL+Z to stop) |
top | running programs and theior IDs |
ps | current active processes and their PID |
lsusb | Information about the USB devices connected to Pi |
echo hello | Outputs 'hello' on screen. This command is useful for debugging |
date -s (string) | sudo date -s "Thu May 4 12:20:46 AEST 2017" |
Command | Description |
grep GPIO | Search for GPIO in file called; if found then opens files & highlight them |
grep -r bob java | Search for bob in all the files within the directory called java |
ls | grep py | Search for the sub-string 'py' in the output of ls command |
sudo find data.txt | Search current directory for the file called data.txt |
ls | more | Display contents one page at a time (try also ls | less) |
clear | Clears the screen |
Keyboard Shortcuts
Command | Description |
CTRL+Z | Kills the current command |
CTRL+D or exit | Logout |
CTRL+C | Halts |
CTRL+R | Reverse-i-search. Type first few characters to go to recent used command |
Command | Description |
sudo reboot | Runs Rebootcommand as superuser |
sudo nano bob.txt | Makes (Opens) a file called bob.txt in root folder and can edit it |
su | Asks for root password (default = root), (note: CTRL+D to logout) |
sudo passwd root | Reset new password for root |