This page was designed using resources from various sources.



One of the main source is from WATT (World association of Technology teachers) website.

This website has resources that can be used in technology classroom to teach safe use of machinery to students. Also the website has numerous resources (an example worksheet on Drill is available here) that can be downloaded as printable PDFs and students' understanding can be assessed with these. The link to the main page is here. There is high possibility that you as a teacher will find something or other on this website to support you in teaching of a particular topic.

There are also other topics that are very useful for some outcomes for example the U3O2 of Systems Engineering is based on Energy and a lot of resources are available here.

Few more topics that are integral part of my teaching are:

Other domains can also benefit from this website with activities like "Eiffel Tower" etc. available here. Of course they also emphasise the use of technology.

Another interesting feature of this website is that if the teacher is absent from work then there are numerous worksheets that can be downloaded and used related to the topic being taught.


Further FAQs will be discussed below

Soldering Iron:

Soldering Irons that operate on 240 Volts can be used in classroom provided they are not near the water supply source and their cables are checked and  tagged every year. Also the cables should be checked for damage prior to each use. 


Materials: Fibreglass and MDF

These are restricted materials and should be used under extreme precaution after meeting all safety requirement. As a general rule, I recommend to my students that if they can find an alternative then that is better. Till date no student have used these materials in my class. Material used in my classes are Acrylic, Plywood and PVC