Useful links.
This sections contains a wide range of topics related to technology domain. New topics will be constantly added to this area. Please visit regularly.
Following links have some exciting things that we can think of making/tweaking in our technology classes.
1. Some tiny toys from Grand illusions
Strandbeest by Theo Jansen is a Dutch physicist and artist, who has created a range of wind powered Strandbeests (beach monsters). This science kit allows you to create your own miniature working model of a Strandbeest.
Helicone by PlayArts: Inspired by nature, based on the Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Angle, Watch it magically transform between a helix and a pine cone with a simple, quick twist.
.... and there are numerous others... have a look.
2. Perpetual Machines : Machine that run forever without power supply. They only use gravitational pull, once started. Watch Part1 and Part2. They are amazing
3. M & M sorter - This is mostly laser cut. If you want a 3D printed one then click here and then there are others like this one based on pneumatics.
4. Instructibles website is a good resource of projects ideas. Some examples are 4x4x4 RGB Cube and Ultrasonic Rover